LD, This morning's missive will be confined to noise issues: 7:00am Sun 1/2/19: 164's dog being walked and barking loudly down High Street before diverting into the Churchyard. 3:35pm Mon 2/12/19: Hateful barking at, apparently, some passing school kids! 7:30pm Mon 2/12/19: More, excessively loud, barking, this time at a passing dog. Please note that another neighbour has complained of the noise disturbance when the tenants of 164 go out for the day (possibly on the booze) and when he is trying to recover from his night-shift! Many folk in my community work late or during the night and are greeted in the morning, or any other time, by this hateful hound's barking; even a day-working local shopkeeper has complained of this dog's loud, aggressive, barking being directed, unaccountably at himself! Do inform if this data is delivered with inadequate detail or in an inappropriate format. I must remind you that 164 himself has threatened yours truly on four occasions, including that bizarre incident during a public meeting called by a prominent local and tagged as 'Farmer's Rut'. DAustin